Scientific collaboration and authors

Clive A Marks M.Env.Sci, B.Ed, PhD

Director of Nocturnal Wildlife Research Pty Ltd and other businesses and former head of Vertebrate Pest Research in the Department of Primary Industries Victorian Institute of Animal Science and Keith Turnbull Research Institutes. Key research strengths in the ecology, monitoring and control of red foxes and other invasive species <MORE>.

David L Obendorf PhD, BSc, BVSc (Hons)

Is a veterinary pathologist who has worked in Tasmania since the early 1980’s on a wide  range of issues and research topics related to wildlife disease. He was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Office of International Epizootics and had a 17-year career with the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry Water and Environment <MORE>.

Filipe Pereira PhD

Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/CIMAR), University of Porto, Portugal. Research work on molecular and population genetics, forensics and species identification <MORE>.

António Amorim PhD

Senior Professor at the Faculty of Science at the University of Porto, Portugal and research group leader at IPATIMUP. Research work on population genetics and evolution and applications to forensics and diagnostics <MORE>

Graham Hall PhD

Over 35 years in the management of domestic animals and wildlife working in all Australian states and consulting in several countries. Senior Game Management Officer with the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (1997 - 2009), Graham consults to a range of government and private companies throughout Australia. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Environment and Rural Science at the University of New England as well as the University of Queensland where he jointly developed the first-ever tertiary course on game management in Australia.

Joana Gonçalves MSc

Visiting researcher at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Portugal. Research work on molecular genetics and species identification. <MORE>

Field collaborators

Eddie Juras

Active in research and control of foxes in Western Australia for the past 40 years, currently managing a pest animal control business. He has been a technical consultant in capture and release studies affiliated with Murdoch University and the Western Australian Parks and Wildlife Service and an extension specialist for pest management in rural communities.

Ivo J Edwards PhD

Research scientist and laboratory manager who for the last 10 years has conducted R&D and field studies to develop novel and humane pest and wildlife capture devices in Tasmania and mainland Australia.


Media liaison

John Robinson

John was a consultant to the Tasmanian government investigating anecdotal reports of fox sightings in the 1980s and the incursion of a fox at the port of Burnie in 1998. He has provided technical support in the tracking and trapping of foxes for over three decades for fox and pest animal research in Victoria conducted by the Keith Turnbull Research Institute and the Department of Primary Industries and Environment.

Jack West

Director of PANTHERA TIGRIS Pty Ltd and former Wildlife Management Consultant and Ecologist at the Department of State Development Supervision and Environment  PPLH Indonesia and General Curator of the Ragunan Zoo (Jakarta). Key research strength in the conservation ecology of endangered Indonesian Wildlife. Active field-work: Population Dynamics of the Red Fox in Victoria – Australia. Current research: “Growth of the Canine Teeth of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in relation to prey in Victoria”.

Ines Soares PhD

Postdoctral researcher at the Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at the University of Coimbra (INESC Coimbra) Portugal and visiting researcher at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology at the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Portugal. Research interests in Applied Mathematics, computer science, operations research, combinatorics and bioinformatics. These include applications in biology and medicine and particularly in the development of models and algorithms to solve problems in population genetics, phylogeny and disease evolution and therapy.

Malcolm Clark PhD

Obtained an M.Sc. at University of Melbourne and Ph.D. in statistics at University of Sheffield and was a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Monash University until 2006. He has contributed research and publications to a wide range of fields that use applied statistics, including radiocarbon dating, phenology, geology and fox ecology. Has made a major contribution to the field of archeology in particular by co-developing the tree-ring calibration of radiocarbon dates and in more recent times worked on spring-flowering plants, an area with several applications to the monitoring of global warming. Some aspects of this contribution have been published in The Guardian as well as The Age newspaper.

Penelope Marshall BA (UTas), Dip (Freelance Journalism)

Studied creative writing at Queensland University and also has a Diploma in Freelance Journalism and an Arts Degree at The University of Tasmania majoring in environmental history. In Hobart she also studied for a Diploma of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing. She lives in Opossum Bay in Tasmania where she also runs a wildlife sanctuary.